Notebooks and calendars

274 products

Capture a thought, an idea for a new blog note, a slogan for an advertising campaign. Write down a memory, a phrase you heard on the street or the date of your next meeting. Notebooks, notepads, calendars - help us not only to keep our secrets, important notes or recipes for a successful cheesecake. They are a way of expressing our attachment to traditional forms of recording thoughts and information. Book calendars will allow you to better organise your day and give you the satisfaction of a well-executed plan. Discover notebooks that will make you stand out from the crowd!

If you are interested in modern and ecological solutions, be sure to check out the stone noteb ooks by Karst.

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Philippi 365 Magnetic Calendar

45,17 €

Philippi 365 Magnetic Calendar

One Step at a Time Baby's diary from birth

39,72 €

One Step at a Time Baby's diary from birth

Once Upon a Time Commemorative book

39,72 €

Once Upon a Time Commemorative book

Archiblack Sketchbook

29,98 €

Archiblack Sketchbook

Passion Journal Travel II Notes

38,12 €

Passion Journal Travel II Notes

Archiwhite Sketchbook

29,98 €

Archiwhite Sketchbook

Passion Journal Book II Notes

38,12 €

Passion Journal Book II Notes

Passion Journal Recipe II Notes

38,12 €

Passion Journal Recipe II Notes

Magazyn FF